Monday, December 10, 2007

Clemie in the Hospital

As many of you know, Clementine just spent a few days in the hospital. She was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. Because she is still so little, she had to undergo some testing and get antibiotics via IV. She was poked and prodded all over her body, but was surprisingly a tough little girl. I think it was harder on her mommy and daddy watching her go through all of it. After three long days of sleeping, tv watching, and eating room service, we are very happy to be home. Clementine is doing just fine and has returned to her smiley, drooly self!


Wendie said...

Hurray for a blog!!!! Kellie and I saw it at the same time, as she is standing here. That's a super sad picture of the IV in her hand, but we're glad she's home now and drooling as usual. That trait must have come from you :)

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I am so excited you started a blog!!! She is absolutely beautiful!! Too bad she had to be tortured like that for a UTI!!!!

kellbell said...

ahhh poor baby! So I had a client last week and guess what her two daughters were named...violet and clementine! heheh cute hun?

I am soo exctied to stalk your blog :)

Louanna & David said...

So happy to hear that everything worked out on the job! Glad that Clementine is doing better and can't wait to see all of you again. Tell Clementine to be looking for a present for Christmas at the grandparents house in Las Vegas.

Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

A. I love the fact that you have a blog so I can web-stalk you.

B. Clemie kind of looks like a human glo-worm in that top picture :)

C. When are we going to get to see Christmas pictures?

PS I love you all and hope things are well.

Love - Jody